Weekly Update #1 - Simple AI in the PathFollowEnemy Recipe

Hey there! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿท

So, I'm going to make those weekly posts to keep y'all up to date with the project.

This week, I've finished one of the longest recipes in the book. The PathFollowEnemy2D recipe.

It uses a State Machine to change its behavior in run time between three of the possible states:

  • Wandering
  • Seeking
  • Returning

With that, we currently have these recipes proofread:

ProofreadYet to proofread
โœ” BasicMovingCharacter2D โœ– InteractiveArea2D
โœ” PassThroughCharacter2D โœ– Portal2D
โœ” MovingPlatform2D โœ– Checkpoint2D
โœ” PathFollowPlatform2D โœ– Switch2D
โœ” Hazard2D
โœ” BumpingEnemy2D
โœ” Stomping/StompableObject2D
โœ” PathFollowEnemy2D

And we are going to move on to one of the most exciting systems: player interactions.

With that, we allow the player to actually interact with the game world through NPCs, loot, signs, books, environment, and more.

It's essential to tell your game story through gameplay.

That's it!

Keep developing, and until the next week!


Platformer Essentials Cookbook - Early Access 6.1 MB
Version v0.2.0 Jan 07, 2023
Platformer Essential Assets - Early Access 11 MB
Version v0.2.0 Jan 07, 2023
Platformer Essentials Game - Early Access 6.8 MB
Version v0.2.0 Jan 07, 2023

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