How to Show Your Work

Hello Hello Hello, Dear Devs!

Let me introduce myself, lol. Nice to meet you all! My name is John Parente, and I’m working with @DanBen to assist @PigDev in the area of Marketing and Content Creation, and from today on, I’ll be more active here with you within our community.

And in today's post, let's talk about:



Today we’ll explore a subject that is extremely ignored by many of you and was something I also ignored for a long time, which is how to promote or show your work to the “world”.

I will leave some tips and ways that you can try to show your work while the course is not ready we will be giving you brief spoilers, but the most important factor and that will be a “game changer” for you is listed here below:


I know it seems silly, but having the courage to show your work is the first step, I imagine that being afraid of being criticized for not finding your projects “good enough” is a factor that hindered my growth for a long time, but believe me, there are many people in this world who will love to know your work, but you need to give them the opportunity to know it too.

Now that you know that believing in yourself and taking the first step is the most important, I will show you some apps and special tips that might help you get your work to reach other people.


Here I will leave some digital platforms that would be interesting to share your work.

  • Discord: Communities that usually accept new users and a great place to increase your network and receive feedback naturally.
  • Reddit: Like Discord, Reddit has its own audience in groups with the most specific subjects possible, it’s worth a try, I just can’t guarantee that the audience will be as friendly.
  • Twitter/X: Twitter has been one of the most popular social networks to show prototypes or the update process of your games, and that can have a potential for virality, thus increasing your reach and bonus network.
POSSIBLY MOST IMPORTANT PLATFORM:  Among all the previous platforms, this one is where you probably will be more connected with the specific public of games and where if someone likes your work just like now, you probably like PigDev work and are here.

Now that you’ve seen all this, it’s time to give a valuable tip that I used when I didn’t have the courage to show all my work and thought I could do something better but didn’t have it in my portfolio, I simply imagined the project or the client and did the project accordingly giving my best, and with a focus on showing to the public as if it was a professional who did it, and so when I finished the project I already posted it, since it was made just to be posted anyway.

For any questions, just comment below, I will be super happy to chat with you

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