Game Design Secrets Revealed: Fresh Chapter Drop!

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I am glad to share our latest chapter drop, Game Design Principles! This isn't just another theory dump. It's your practical guide to understanding what makes games tick and how to craft experiences that players won't forget.

The Good Stuff Inside

Let's break down the game-changing concepts you'll master:

  • Flow State: The secret sauce to keeping players hooked (without frustrating them!)
  • Squeeze & Release: My favorite technique for crafting memorable moments by creating tension and pleasure
  • Risk vs. Reward: Putting players into weighing out the consequences of their choices
  • Core Loop Design: Build the sequence of repeatable actions your players will do to complete your game
  • Plus tons of other concepts like Rubber Banding, Carrot Dangling, Breadcrumbing, Funneling, and Juiciness

Learn by Doing

I've packed this chapter with:

  • Actual gameplay clips that show these concepts in action
  • Crystal-clear visuals that make complex ideas click
  • Real examples from games we love (Dark Souls, Ori, Mega Man X - you know, the good stuff!)

For Everyone Who Loves Making Games

Just starting? Perfect! Been making games for years? Even better! This chapter's got those "aha!" moments waiting for everyone, we learn both the brain science and practical mechanics behind great games.

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Your new chapter is waiting in our Notion workspace.

Not part of the crew yet? Join us to unlock this chapter and tons more game design goodness. Check out the full curriculum on our Syllabus Page and enroll for the course today!

Henrique Campos~

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