Loose Hands Update

Hello, we did some small fixes and updates to the game since the Global Game Jam 2020 release.


  • Time bonus for completion now is fixed at +20s MORE TIME FOR GLUING
  • Puzzles now trigger completion when the last piece is fit, instead of after disappearing FASTER SCORING
  • Decreased Glue squeezing ratio from 10.0/s to 8.0/s MORE GLUE YAY
  • Fix score formula to use a base of 100 * (pieces completed * 1.2) HUGE SCORES COMING!
  • Loose hands, when moving horizontally the hands rotate a bit NEW GLUING STRATEGIES
  • Glue is now thrown away when depleted, instead of just falling PURE COSMETIC BUT NICE

That’s it, thank you so much for playing! Enjoy~


Untitled Glue Game - Linux 37 MB
Version 1.0.1 Feb 11, 2020
Godot Project 2.1 MB
Version 1.0.1 Feb 11, 2020
Untitled Glue Game - Windows 36 MB
Version 1.0.1 Feb 11, 2020
Untitled Glue Game - MacOS 16 MB
Version 1.0.1 Feb 11, 2020

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